As per principal agreement amendment, its capacity was increased to 300 tons of cheese and 42 tons of cream.
- Upon increase of infrastructure and installing machinery and modern technology,
this company hosted a training course for installation and operating foreign machineries with the presence of European experts. - The company received letter of appreciation and 1st rank among production units in
Khorasan province from Khorasan supervision office on foodstuffs and health care materials.
- Upon increase of infrastructure and installing modern machinery, implementeddevelopment project of production of kinds of processed cheeses (pizza, marta, filafila and lazania)
- The company was selected and introduced as model production unit among production units of Jihad Sazandegi rural industries.
- The company participated in 16th and 17th Tehran international fair and received letter of appreciation of this fair from the esteemed minister.
- Upon establishment of site and installing modern machinery,the company receivedlicense of development project for manufacturing Iranian white cheese.
- The company received the standard certificate for all productions as an award.
The company received the license for development of cheese in ultra filtration method.
the company achieved the first rank of production variation among all state companies in the first cheese festival
Achieved 2nd rank of quality in 2nd state milk festival
Upon installing machinery, this company received the license for development of production of cheese water powder and milk powder for proper usage of cheese water produced by this company and preventing environmental pollution.
The company received license for development project of gas-free doogh (a drink made from yogurt) and started production with full capacity.
The company received license of development project of cream-cheese and drained yogurt production and started production with full capacity.
The company received letter of appreciation and Khorasan green apple award from provincial supervision office on foodstuffs.